Silver Dressings Used With Wound Vacuum Assisted Closure: Is There an Advantage?
Rodriguez A et al.; Poster presentation
Healing Skin Grafts over Chronic Wounds with Vacuum Assisted Closure* and Silver Dressings**
Carson S et al.; Poster presentation
The Combined Benefit of Negative Pressure Therapy (N.P.T.)
Van Gills C, Stark L and Forbes B; Poster presentation
A retrospective study to evaluate the effect on an activated carbon dressing on chronic wounds
Young S, Gray S and Hampton S; Poster presentation TVS 2016
Military Applications of Silver-Nylon Dressings
Barillo DJ; Poster Presentation
The Use of a Silver-Nylon Dressing During Evacuation of Military Burn Casualties.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
Aurora A, Beasy A, Rizzo JA and Chung KK; J Burn Care Res. 39(4):593-597 2018
Reduction in Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections Correlated With the Introduction of a Novel Silver-Plated Dressing for Central Venous Catheters and Maintained for 6 Years
Karlnoski R, Abboud EC, Thompson P, Oxner AZ, Sinnott JT and Marcet JE; J Intensive Care Med. 34(7):544-549 Jul 2019
A Clinical Trial to Investigate the Effect of Silver Nylon Dressings on Mediastinitis Rates in Postoperative Cardiac Sernotomy Incisions
Huckfeldt R, Redmond C, Mikkelson D, Finley PJ, Lowe C and Robertson J; Ostomy Wound Manage. 54(10):36-41 Oct 2008
Silver Negative Pressure Dressing With Vacuum-Assisted Closure of Massive Pelvic and Extremity Wounds
Siegel HJ, Herrara DF and Gay J; Clin Orthop Relat Res DOI 10.1007/s11999-013-3123-3 2014
A literature review of the military uses of silver-nylon dressings with emphasis on wartime operations.
Barillo DJ, Pozza M and Margaret-Brandt M; Burns 40S(2014) S24-29
Silver-based dressings for the reduction of surgical site infection: Review of current experience and recommendation for future studies.
Abboud EC, Settle JC, Legare TB, Marcet JE, Barillo DJ and Sanchez JE; Burns, 01 Dec 2014, 40 Suppl 1:S30-9